Imhof_Matt Buck Davidson via Compfight   

Hi my name is Peyton and i´m writing about baseball. I have been playing for six years. First I played in tee ball. I played on a team called the Pirates. I was really bad at hitting. I was scared to get in the batters box. When the season was over I did not want to play again. Then my parents convinced me and I loved it. Then I played coach pitch and I was on a team called the Legends. That was the year that I hated the coach was so mean. He did not even play baseball he got everything from his wife. I played catcher and shortstop. I loved catcher I was really good at it too. I was the only one that was good at catcher. That is my passion in the past.

I am going to write what I want to be in the future. I want to play in collage for a good team. Then I want to be noticed by someone and then be able to play in the MLB. I want to be picked up by the reds. I want to play the position that I play now. I play first base and I play pitcher. It will be my dream to play in the MLB. If I do get in it I would spend the money to help my family and to charities. That is what I hope it will be like for my pasion.

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